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Women Are Smarter

You know the song -

It ain't me
It's the people that say
Men are leading the women astray
But I say, it's the women today
Smarter than the man in every way

Well, I came across an article that reinforces this. (Sorry, guys)

It says that all around the U.S., educational statistics show huge academic gap between boys and girls. Boys are falling behind girls as early as elementary school. Even as they get older, they're losing out in academic skills compared to females. Girls outnumber boys on school honor rolls.

Years ago, there were stats that showed that girls were not succeeding in school because science and math were not being encouraged for girls. So what can be done to help the boys? I mean, really, all those smart girls are going to need some smart boys to date!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting commentary on this....
'Boy Crisis' in Education Is Nothing But Hype 03/15/06
"A "boy crisis" is boiling up in media coverage of education, based on the perception that girls are outstripping boys academically. Today's commentators argue that the discussion should be about social demographics, not gender..."
