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Waiting for Your Cat to Bark?

Waiting for Your Cat to Bark?, a brand new book by Jeffrey and Bryan Eisenberg (along with Lisa Davis) just went on sale. I plan to get a copy this week - and Michele Miller's Wonderbranding says (and she's always right!) that this is a must read.

Michele writes:

"Plain and simple, it's all about persuading customers to do business with you when they ignore marketing. And this team of authors does a heck of a job. Read an excerpt from the book here.
In the book, you'll learn:

  • How the customer's buying process works in a cross-channel, new media-driven marketplace
  • Why customers respond differently today than they used to
  • How to use the Web to generate persuasive momentum across multiple channels
  • How the various touch-points within a business affect each other
  • How to guide prospects through the buying process at every customer touch-points
  • How personality traits influence customer behavior online and offline
  • How to anticipate the different angles from which customers approach your business
  • How to identify and provide meaningful answers to your customers' questions at each stage of their buying process
  • How to begin implementing Persuasion Architecture™ techniques for your business

...You can also read reviews from folks like Seth Godin, Jeffrey Gitomer and Roy H. Williams..."

So I'm all over it!

1 comment:

Craig Danuloff said...

Here's another review of 'Waiting for Your Cat to Bark' and a chapter-by-chapter discussion: http://blogs.commerce360.com/archives/persuasion/waiting_for_your_cat_to_bark_r.html