We're collectors of knowledge. We're students of culture, of industry, of life. We're researchers. We carry a badge. We are Scherer Cybrarian.



A loyal reader asks: With all this talk about TB, I'm starting to feel a little paranoid - I mean sick. How can I find out what's going around in my neighborhood?

Glad you asked.

There's a new application called Who is Sick? It's kind of neat. A little creepy? Maybe.

"Who Is Sick was started in 2006 with a mission to provide current and local sickness information to the public - without the hassle of dealing with hospitals or doctors. With a strong belief in the power of people and a faith that user generated content can be extremely valuable, our team set out to create an entirely new system for tracking and monitoring sickness information."

All of a sudden, I feel a little under the weather.

The system needs to be more populated. I put in my sniffle symptoms and now it looks like an epidemic in my zip code!

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