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A loyal reader asks: I have a client in the tennis business. They want me to find national publications with tennis subject matter on their editorial calendars. I've done some Google searching, but I feel like I'm drowning in irrelevant results. HELP ME!

Score 1 for us. We have a great idea.

Check out MRI+, a free database of magazine planning information run by Mediamark Research.

MRI+ is a free digital library of competitive data that serves as an electronic information link between planners and the publishers of major consumer and business publications.

MRI+ consolidates the databases planners use to evaluate magazines at one site:
  • Top-line data from the Survey of the American Consumer™
  • ABC Circulation Reports
  • Advertising Expenditures
  • Editorial profiles and calendars
  • Subscriber Studies
  • Links to Publisher sites
MRI+ is free to registered users.

So here's what you do.
  1. Log in.
  2. Go to New Search.
  3. Select Consumer Publications in part 1.
  4. Select Profile and Editorial Calendars in part 2.
  5. Select contains and type 'tennis' in the keyword box.
  6. Click on search.
And there you have it. A list of publications with tennis on the edcal or in the publication profile along with circulation, and other information.

Of course, you still need someone to apply some judgment, but it's a great start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any chance to have the same tool for top websites?