We're collectors of knowledge. We're students of culture, of industry, of life. We're researchers. We carry a badge. We are Scherer Cybrarian.


Stump the researcher. Part 5.

A loyal reader asks: I know I should know what they are, but what the heck are hedge funds? I keep hearing that the growth is huge. Yeah, tell me about that too.

So glad you asked.

We have a great source for these types of questions - financial trends and the like.

The Financial Services Fact Book 2007 Make a note of it. You'll need this one day. Don't worry, though. If you forget, you can always ask us...
This from the Fact Book:

Hedge funds are private investment pools subject to the terms of investment agreements between the sponsors of, and investors in, the hedge fund. While mutual funds typically have a minimum opening investment of about $1,000, hedge fund investors are often required to have a minimum investment of $1 million.

ASSETS OF HEDGE FUNDS, 1950-2006 (1)($ billions)
(1) All data are for January.Source: Hennessee Group LLC.

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