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Are birds social?

A reader asks: I am fascinated by all these social networking sites. How can I find a network where I can 'hang out' with other bird-watching enthusiasts?

We don't suppose you mean The Orioles, huh? Thought not. Read on for the answer...


This Field Guide: Birds of the World group on Flickr has over 3,000 members and over 33,000 photos and substantial discussion. There are strict rules -- this is serious business.

You can submit your birding info, analyze your personal birding info, and analyze other public birding info in eBird. Registration is required.

Perhaps a teeny bit off topic, but really interesting: BirdJam is a company that integrates bird watching with iPods. With BirdJam, any North American bird song can be found within 15 seconds from the easily-accessed playlists organized by habitat and family. Call me a geek (okay, you didn't really have to do that) but I think that's really cool.

And sure, there are forums all over the place - like on Birder's World, for example.

Can't find the kind of network you want? Make your own! (listen carefully - this is really, really neato...)

You can create a full social network that you can customize and brand as your own. It's true. Check out Ning. It has a full suite of capabilities for photos, videos, discussions, blogs, privacy settings... you name it, Ning has it.

We can think of some really great ways to use this tool... anyone want to join a research social network?

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