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Polling power.

A reader asks: I frequently have the need to get input from my large and very geographically dispersed team. When I send an email out, I get all these answers in different formats and, frankly, it's a pain in the neck. Any suggestions?

Why yes, thanks for asking!

You can poll your team (or customers or anyone!) without typing a single line of code. Some popular polling tools are Polldaddy, Quibblo, and Zoho Polls. All easy and all well-reviewed!

Still, our favorite is Wufoo. Wufoo is a very simple way to build amazing online forms. When you design a form with Wufoo, it automatically builds the database, backend and scripts needed to make collecting and understanding your data easy, fast and fun. You can send it by email or send the link. Seriously, this is easy.

Happy polling!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for recommending Zoho Polls! You can also try Zoho Creator for conducting surveys. For example, follow this post where Rick uses one.